
Well 2016 was a hell of a year for blogging. I recorded just under 285k page views (284,553 as of writing this the afternoon of December 27th), which is up about 40k or so from 2015.

This years top 10 posts look a bit different from last years.  There’s actually 7 repeats but the top two were written in SQL Server 2016.

  1. Fixing a storage pool that doesn’t have an read-write server
  2. SQL Server on Linux?!?!?!
  3. What exactly is MSDTC, any when do I need it? (Number 2 in 2014, Number 2 in 2015)
  4. SQL Server 2014 Licensing (Number 1 in 2015)
  5. Big Announcements in SQL Server 2016
  6. Difference Between An Index and a Primary Key (Number 3 in 2015)
  7. What Does WITH (NOLOCK) Actually Mean (Number 5 in 2015)
  8. How To Configure MSDTC On Windows 2008 (Number 1 in 2014, Number 4 in 2015)
  9. The Process Could Not Execute sp_replcmds on x (Number 7 in 2015)
  10. Calculating Fibre Latency Correctly Is a Must When Trying To Determine Storage Performance Numbers (Number 6 in 2015)

This year was another first for my blogging. I had a single post this year hit not just 20k page views, but 30k page views.  That’d be #1 on this list which topped out at 30,749 page views (plus a few more in the last 3 working days of the year).  Number 2 up there had 14,337 while the MSDTC post had 11,643.

I review these numbers every year (I actually look at them through out the year as well) because it gives me some insight into what people are looking for. New posts obviously get some traffic (especially when I’m able to get blog posts written and posted within minutes of the announcement) but I find it interesting that a lot of these older posts continue to get a lot of traffic, like the MSDTC post up there which has been a top three post by page views for 3 years in a row.  Not bad for 15+ year old technology or a 3 year old blog post.

So based on this multi-year trending of data, I need to keep writing about random errors that I get when working on clients systems, and keep blogging about Microsoft announcements 5 seconds after they are announced.  That was pretty much my plan for 2017 anyway. ?

Don’t forget to check out DCAC’s Ascending to Azure webcast on January 5th, 2017 where we’ll talk about some of the successful migrations we’ve done from on-premises to Microsoft Azure.


The post 2016 By The Numbers appeared first on SQL Server with Mr. Denny.


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