How Do I Make MySQL Highly Available with Open Source Tools?

This is clickbait post title, sorry. You are here now. The correct answer is that you should purchase MySQL as a database service from your favorite cloud provider (Google, Amazon, and Azure all offer prebuilt database as a service offerings) because they have gone through the trouble of making their solution highly available. I’ll speak to Azure, because I’m familiar with the platform–Microsoft doesn’t employ MySQL High Availability per se, however both the storage and the VM are highly available. If there is a disk failure, the service is not impacted, and if there is a failure in the compute tier, a new VM is provisioned.

My second recommendation, if you really, really want to build your own thing is to build a Windows Server Failover Cluster, and used shared storage. Make the MySQL service a clustered resource, and assign a floating IP to the service that will fail with it. (Yes, I know you have to pay M$ for the Windows Server licenses).

Why shouldn’t you use an open source solution to make your MySQL database highly available? First let’s look at a picture of a common MySQL high availability architecture:

If we think about what we need a clustering solution to provide it comes down to a few things:

  • Providing a floating IP address to allow connection to the primary
  • Check the health of the database services and initiate a failover in the event one of them isn’t healthy
  • Executing a clean database failover and providing the ability to easily fail back
  • Ensuring the stability of the overall cluster, maintaining quorum, and avoiding split brain scenarios
  • If you are using a shared storage scenario, the clustering solution needs to manage the shared storage to coordinate failover with services.

If you are using SQL Server with Windows Server Failover Clustering, the cluster service takes care of all of the above, and more. When you look to do this on Linux for MySQL that there about 10 different sets of components you can use to make the service highly available. At the basis of all of these solutions is MySQL replication it’s pretty trivial transactional replication. MySQL’s replication service is fairly robust, and the GTID implementation is pretty solid.

The problem is that the rest of the components are all mix and match. You could use Haproxy to float the IP address, but there’s no way to do a smart health check of the database. It simply does a port connection test. Which means, if your primary goes away, and then comes back without some advanced configuration your floating IP is going to fail back to the original primary whether it’s actually the primary in your replication pair. This is but one example–you are going to end up with 3 or 4 different components to execute each of these functions, and congratulations you are in charge of a complex distributed system that you are responsible for administering for the rest of your life.

But Joey, Facebook/Google/Pick You Other Favorite online megacorp run MySQL and they support it with 5 9s. Ok, sure, I don’t disagree with this–and as databases, MySQL and PostgreSQL are generally ok. But look around at your engineering staff–wait do you have engineering staff? If you don’t have a few people who have both really good Linux SA skills and DBA skills, you are going to be pretty quickly in situation where support is a challenge.

Finally, consider if you need an HA solution. Are you running on a virtual machine? As long as your infrastructure is solid, that probably gets you to about 99.5% availability on a bad week. What you absolutely want to avoid is the Windows 2000 paradigm, which is where your high availability solution incurs more downtime than a standalone system.


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