Yesterday was Thanksgiving for those of us living in the United States.  If you celebrate this particular holiday, I hope that it was a day full of love and care with the ones closest to you.

I was fortunate to spend the holiday visiting family and spending time with my two sons.  It was a day of exercise (a Turkey Trot), good food, laughter, being lazy on the couch, stealing tasty treats from my mothers kitchen and your basic family craziness (if you’ve met any part of my family you’ll know what I mean).  I thoroughly enjoying spending time with my family as I live several hours away from them and I only get to see them but a few times a year.  I cherish the moments and my heart gets recharged.

Looking back over the year, I’m thankful for a number of things.

  • My two sons.  Joys of my life without question and they keep me on my toes
  • Family.  They are the foundation which upon I stand
  • Friends.  They tell me like it is (like my family) and don’t hold the punches
  • My health.  I have health issues but overall I’m generally healthy
  • My job.  I love what I do and I work for an awesome company

There are countless other things that I’m thankful for however this is to be a short post today.  I have to get back to eating treats after all.  However you might have spent Thanksgiving, I hope that it was a day of relaxation, reflection, and peacefulness.

Happy Thanksgiving!

© 2019, John Morehouse. All rights reserved.


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