There are people out there that love SQL CLR, and there are people that hate SQL CLR. I have a slightly different opinion, which is that I hate how most people use SQL CLR.  The trick to SQL CLR is that you should only be using it for things that CLR does better than T-SQL does; which is mainly dealing with text manipulation such as RegEx.  T-SQL can’t do stuff like RegEx, so SQL CLR is the way to do that.  If you’re having SQL CLR do things like calling out to a web server or running SSIS packages, or pulling in stuff from a file server all from T-SQL, then you probably need to take a step back and look at what you’re trying to do, and possibly do a redesign of what you’re trying to do.


The post Only use CLR when you need to appeared first on SQL Server with Mr. Denny.


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