In a few days the year 2017 will come to a close.  The brand new year 2018 is on deck and raring to go. Out with the old, In with the New.

This is the time of year where people reflect on the milestones of the previous year.  Resolutions get made, people strive to be better, goals get set & hopefully eventually achieved.  The coming of the new year is a blank slate.  The previous year gets erased and we get to start over.  It’s a time of renewal and reflection.

We are the authors of our own stories, creators of our own visions and dreams of things to come in the new year.  As we develop new stories, we need to keep the past in mind as the past is what helps to shape us as individuals.

Here are some of my 2017 high-lights:

  • I changed jobs. In November 2017 I left Farm Credit Mid-America and started to work for Denny Cherry & Associates Consulting.  You can read about it here.
  • I got to go to another annual journey to the PASS Summit (Thanks Denny!).
  • I got my Microsoft MVP in October.  Still stunned.
  • I continued to help to run the Louisville SQL Server user group with Chris Yates (B|T).
  • I got to help organize & deliver the 9th SQL Saturday for Louisville.  The 10th event is already on the books for July 2018.
  • I’ve gone through personal trials & tribulations.  Everybody goes through rough times and I’m no different.  I’m not blogging about these because, well, they are personal and I’m a firm believer that they don’t belong on the internet.  Regardless, painful times help me grow as an individual and remind me to just try to be better.  No pain, no gain.
  • I got to support a #sqlfamily member while in Washington, DC.  It was humbling and honoring all at the same time.
  • I got to help a #sqlfamily member with her first speaking session at SQL Saturday Louisville 2017.  Indeed, an awesome thing to see and be a part of.  She crushed it.
  • Most importantly, I got to see my two sons both turn another year older.  Being a Dad is my greatest blessing and they are the absolute joy of my life.  That might seem minor to some but for me it’s not.

What about you?  What stories will your slate tell at the end of 2018?

I wish you a blessed 2018 and may good things come your way.  If you need to find me, look towards the blackboard. You’ll find me there working on my own stories.


© 2017, John Morehouse. All rights reserved.


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