I am ecstatic to say I have joined Denny Cherry and Associates Consulting.

Lone No More

I am happy, excited, and nostalgic to announce that I am hanging up my Lone DBA hat and becoming a consultant. Yep, you read that correctly, I’ve decided after 16 years that I am going to change things up a bit. I am switching gears and will be helping those who are Lone DBAs and others by lending them a hand with their work loads.

Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love being a Lone DBA. So, I will continue to speak on the topic and mentor others in that boat, but it’s time to give myself a little more freedom. Over the past 16 years I have been on call 24/7, even working while in labor, on vacations, nights, and weekends. I really think now is the time to slow down just a bit. My normal speed is 150 miles an hour so down shifting to 100 will allow me to spend time on what is important to me, my family.


First and foremost, the people. I am looking forward to working with and learning from Denny (B|T), Joey (B|T), and Kerry (B|T). These guys are wicked smart and most importantly know the importance of the SQL Community. They have a wealth of knowledge to share and I cannot wait to tap into it. With DCAC, I will be getting exposure to so many new environments as they are a renowned global provider of IT consulting and work on the cutting edge. I absolutely love learning new things and can’t wait to dive into things like Azure, which they excel at.

DCAC will give me the flexibility to speak and blog more which I genuinely want to do. Getting out into the community is also a strong passion of mine and moving out of the Lone DBA role will give me greater ability to do so.

Thanks, DCAC for bringing me on board, can’t wait to get started.

About Denny Cherry & Associates Consulting

The vetted and certified experts at Denny Cherry and Associates Consulting assist companies with attaining IT goals such as HA, scalability, SQL Server virtualization, migration and acceleration reliably, while finding ways to save on costs. With clients ranging from Fortune 50 corporations to small businesses, their commitment to each is the same: to provide a deft, high-speed IT environment that leverages every aspect of their platform: from architecture, to infrastructure, to network.

DCAC was named by CIOReview’s 20 Most Promising Azure Solution Providers of 2016.


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