Using PowerShell to Generate a Transaction Log Restore Script

This is a really basic PowerShell post—those of you who do lots of PowerShell automation can skip it, and I know I could have taken this three steps further and automated the whole process. Thanks Mike Fal (b|t)! (seriously, if you want to read some great SQL PowerShell tips hit Mike’s blog) J Anyway, I’m building an Availability Group for a client with a very large database. I had taken a full backup, and was going to take a differential, so I didn’t have to apply a full day’s worth of transaction log backups to the database. Well, it turned out the workload consisted largely of bulk insert operations, which are minimally logged—what that meant was that my differential backup was huge, but my transaction log backups were quite manageable. Except for the fact that I had about 100 of them, so I didn’t want to hand enter all of the file names.

One of my favorite techniques for automation is to use the concatenation operator in T-SQL (+) to dynamically create SQL statements (note: if your reading this and you’re a database developer, don’t do this, write stored procedures—it’s a valid technique for running one-off queries, but doesn’t scale well). We can do the same thing in PowerShell. But first things first—let’s figure out how to list the files.



    Get-childitem $backpath

What we are doing with those two commands, is defining a variable ($backupPath) and then doing a file listing on it. That listing isn’t useful to us yet—it has too much information.

What we want to do is parse the name out of that data and concatenate a restore statement.


Get-Childitem $backupPath|select {“restore log dataBaseName from disk=’”+$backupPath+$”‘ with norecovery”}

We are doing a few things here—we’re doing our original listing of files, but we are now piping it (the |) to the next command—from there we are taking advantage of PowerShell’s object model. You’ll notice the curly brackets after the select—those are specifying a script, which you will need in order to concatenate text with the piped in variable. Unlike in dynamic SQL there is no need to escape the single quotes, that our T-SQL command will ultimately need, if a string is in double quotes in PowerShell is treated just as a string and not evaluated. So that single quote will print as a single quote. You’ll note we are a doing a select and our value $ is the file name—this is one of the objects that the get-childitem cmdlet contains. We are using the $_. in front of “name” because we are in a script task. For example, if you executed the following code:


Get-Childitem $backupPath|select name


You will see this:


So what do we get when we run our statement?

I only had one backup here—on my client system I had over 200. I was able to just copy the code and paste into Management Studio and run the restores. You will note that this is the bare minimum of what you can do with this—you could use time intelligence to specify a time you wanted to restore from, and you could definitely automate the restores into PowerShell commands for SQL Server. I was keeping it simple and fast as this was a simple scenario. One thing I probably would do that I didn’t is use the write-output cmdlet to send the code to a SQL file. Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Coding!




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