Recently I was doing some work for a client moving some vDisks from standard storage to premium storage. Overall it was a pretty easy migration to do, just requiring a little PowerShell to make it all happen.

The part that made it hard to get done is that the PowerShell parameters for file names on blob storage are case sensitive. This is a pain when the person who setup the virtual drives (not me) isn’t consistent in how they setup the file names. In this case the three drives which I needed to move where named like this.

  • sql1.vhd
  • SQL2.vhd
  • Sql3.vhd

This means that it takes some work and some careful looking to ensure that you have the case of each file correct so that the scripts actually work as planned. I got through it, but not without a decent of grumbling at my computer.

So when setting up drives for VMs in Azure, keep everything consistent. You’ll thank me later.



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