Webinar: Becoming a Top DBA—Learning Automation in SQL Server

I’m doing a webinar this Wednesday for Embarcadero at (11AM/1100 PDT,1 PM/1300 CDT, 2 PM/1400 EDT, 6 PM/1800 GMT) on a topic I’m quite passionate about—automation. The value you truly bring to your job as a database professional isn’t in doing mundane, repeatable tasks like installing SQL Server, running T-SQL scripts, or even putting out minor fires like a drive running out of space. The real value added by an outstanding DBA is the skill to manage way more servers by automating the mundane (potentially saving the firm the cost of a full time employee), tuning performance on critical business systems, and most importantly being able to recovery critical data in the event of failures.

In consulting, I see a lot of organizations were the DBAs are really under a ton pressure—there are never enough resources (have you tried to hire a DBA lately? It’s really hard), there’s more and more data coming from a wider variety of systems, and at the same time the DBA has new skills to try and learn, like cloud and virtualization. So how do you get you get yourself out of this endless cycle and raise your profile both in your company and in the community? Automation—if you can minimize the amount of time you have to spend on low value tasks, you can maximize and even find free time to learn new skills.

In this one hour webinar, I’m going to talk about a few things:

  • Tools used for automation in SQL Server
  • Examples of automation for the good
  • Techniques that you can use to automate nearly any task
  • I’m going to mention the phrase dev-ops

I hope you can join me—I think a lot of DBAs can get a great deal of benefit from learning this techniques and applying them on a day to day basis. I hope you can join us.


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