I’m thrilled to say that I’ll be at Microsoft’s TechEd conference this week presenting a session titled “Introduction to SQL Server Management for the Non-DBA” which is session DBI-B214 on Tuesday, May 13 at 10:15 AM. I’ll also be running one of the hands on labs which will be delivered twice during TechEd North America and is titled “What’s New in Microsoft SQL Server 2014 for the DBA” which are sessions DBI-IL301 on Tuesday, May 13 at 1:30 PM and DBI-IL301-R on Wednesday, May 14 at 5:00 PM.

In addition to these three sessions I’ll also be working the SQL Server booth at various times. If you’d like to chat just swing on by the SQL Server booth. Odds are I’ll be there, if not the people running the booth with have my cell phone number (as will many of the people working the booth) and they can call me and have me come over (unless I’m speaking during my session of course). I’d love to meet and discuss any problems, projects, etc. that you have with SQL Server no matter the version (but hopefully we can keep it between SQL 2000 and SQL 2014, preferably closer to the newer end of those options).

I look forward to seeing you at TechEd.



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