Making people pay their own way to a job interview is not the way to get good talent

I get job postings emailed to me all the time from various recruiters.  Usually they are, we’ll call them OK.  But sometimes the requirements of just getting to the interview are just stupid.  Every once and a while, usually about twice a year, I get an email that says “remote candidates were welcome, but the candidate would have to pay their own way to get to the job interview”.  Now when you are talking about paying for gas to get from your house to their office that’s fine.  However these jobs are often not in the city, or even the state that I live in.  So let me get this straight, you want me to pay to fly out to see you, so that you can tell me that you don’t want me to work for you.  That’s really not how this works.

If you’ve exhausted the talent in your local city and you need to get talent from out of town, then it’s on you to pay for the travel to get the person to the interview.

Even if there was a position open at a company that was in my local area, if it said this I probably wouldn’t even consider the job.  This tells me that as a company you don’t respect my time and my resources.  From this I assume that you won’t want to pay for any of my training so that I can better support the companies systems.  I can assume that you’ll expect me to work projects on nights and weekends (I’ve got no problems with nights and weekends for emergency system down issues, but not for projects that weren’t properly planned).

If you are a company that puts these sorts of silly statements in your job descriptions, and you are wondering why you can’t get any candidates stuff like this is try.



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