So today began EMC World 2011.  It started in true EMC style with a great party, sponsored by UniSys.  The party was held at the Hotel pool which seems a little strange but EMC made it work.  It was a little windy last night, apparently not even EMC can control the weather.

I met some great people at the party tonight and I met up with some friends that I’ve met at EMC World during prior years.

This week looks to be a great lineup of sessions based on what I’ve seen in the session schedule.  I’ll be posting what I can from the sessions during the week.

EMC World 2011 is back in Las Vegas this week.  The official hotels are pretty pricey, if you are looking for a much cheaper place to stay on the strip, I’m at the Imperial Palace which isn’t anything fancy.  It’s a basic room and shower, surely nothing special but for $30 a night instead of the $250 a night that the official hotels want it’s a damn good deal.  The best part is, its only a 10 minute walk to the convention at the Venetian which is worth saving the $1000 in my mind.



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