This week was my first dev connections conference.  The conference was a bit bigger than I thought it would be, and I had a blast.  The couple of sessions that I went to where excellent, but I wouldn’t expect much else from Paul Randal (Blog | Twitter), Kimberly Tripp (Blog | Twitter), and Buck Woody (Blog | Twitter).  The people that attended by sessions were great, although they were a little quiet and didn’t ask many questions (I love questions during my sessions).

There were a couple of sponsor events that I went to as well, the best of which (by far) was the SentryOne (formerly SQL Sentry) (Website | Twitter) VIP/Speaker party that they through on Wednesday night.

I made some new friends, some from Microsoft and some that were attendees.  Many of which I’ll hopefully be seeing at future events.

It was a great conference, but I’m exhausted, and the PASS conference is coming up next week.  I’ve got about 2 days to relax before the insanity of the SQL PASS conference starts up.  If you are going, I’ll see you there.  If not you should.



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