This months T/SQL Tuesday topic is about learning and teaching.  It’s been a while since I’ve written one of these, so I decided that this was a good one to try and get back into it.  The guidelines are pretty wide open, so I went with the how I learn best, and how I like teaching the best.


I do my best learning by doing, not to say I don’t get something from lectures, but I get more from doing.  I know a lot of people out there that are the different from me in this regard.  I think what really helps me the most is when doing a lab and something goes wrong.  That’s when I can really dig into the product or whatever it is that I’m working with and really see how it works.


When it comes to teaching, interactive lecture style is really the only way I know how to do it.  This lets me do my best to customize the session to the needs to the group that is sitting in the session so that they are able to get the most out of it.  And that’s really the goal, that the people who are listening to the session get the most possible information out of it.



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