EMC World Day 4 (The final day)

Well yesterday was the final day of EMC World 2010. This was a great conference (see posts for Days -1, 0, 1, 2, 3).  On day 4 I didn’t really do any official sessions as my brain was simply to full for any more lecture information to be stuff into it.  Instead I object to sit in the bloggers lounge, get some work done, and talk with the other bloggers that were there.

We covered some great topics like how to try and stay impartial, and when trying to stay impartial just makes you look like a chump.

There was also a lot of hey great to see you, what are you guys working on, here’s what we are working on kind of conversations going on; but there was also a lot of technical discussion going on especially around the new VMAX product and where it fits into the EMC lineup.  Frankly I probably got almost as much from sitting in the bloggers lounge talking to people than I got from the sessions that I attended.

My next big event is TechEd 2010 which is next month and I’ll be doing as much Tweeting and blogging as I can during the event just like I did this week.  Between now and TechEd I’ll be at the Portland SQL Saturday up in Portland, OR.  I’ll hopefully be tweeting like crazy while I’m up there.

If I don’t see you in Portland, hopefully I’ll see you at TechEd.


P.S. Kris and I were able to do some touristy stuff today, I’ll try and get those photo’s posted tomorrow night after we land.  We’re going to try and hit the Samuel Adams Brewery tour tomorrow morning before our flight.


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