For those lucky enough to be attending the SQL PASS summit this year in Seattle, WA I’ll be there to.  This is my third year in a row attending, and my first year speaking.  Over the course of the week I’ve got a bunch of planned things which I’ll be doing.  Hopefully you’ll look me up at one (or several) of them.

I arrive on SEATAC at about 3:15 or so.  We still aren’t sure if we are going to use the Light Rail to get downtown or take the Gray Line, it will probably depend on the amount of baggage we have with us.  I’ve taken the Gray Line a couple of times and it’s nice since they drop of and pick up at the Sheraton where we are staying.

Monday Kris and I will be doing some touristy things probably.  We aren’t really sure what yet.  We’ll figure something out.

Tuesday morning I’ll be at the bloggers table for the Keynotes (I’ll be there all three mornings).  Then for lunch I’ll be at the Birds of a Feather Lunch talking to people about storage best practices for there SQL Server environment.  Hopefully it is a topic that people will want to talk about.  The rest of the day I’ll be attending sessions and in the exhibit hall.

Wednesday and Thursday I’ll be attending sessions all day, with my Storage Presentation being Thursday at 4:00 in Room 401 (unless the room changes).

I’ll be tweeting where I’m at and where I’m going all week with the #sqlpass and #sqlbingo hash tags so if you need my safeword codeword be sure to keep an eye on Twitter.  Granted I shouldn’t be that hard to miss.  Six feet tall with the bottom 4 inches of my hair bright blue, how hard can I be to find.

On Friday I’ve got a session in the morning to attend, then Kris and I will be hitting the down checking out the place again.

Don’t forget to print up your three SQL Bingo cards before you leave.  Also don’t forget to refresh the page between printings so that each card is different.

Saturday will be a lazy day.  I’m thinking Breakfast down by the fish market.  There a little place (no idea the name) which has a good, inexpensive breakfast.  Then it’s off to the airport for the flight home.

Hopefully I’ll see you in Seattle.  If you are going have a good time, although it is pretty hard not to.



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