Well the PASS 2008 summit must be official over as I’m sitting at the airport waiting for my plane.  I was expecting a very long security line here at SeaTac but I was through security within maybe 10 minutes.  While means that the two hours I was planning on standing in line I instead get to sit at Terminal D3 (after just moving from N11 on the far side of the airport) and wait for my flight to Ontario.  I guess the upside is that I got to get some lunch before my flight.

Overall I would have to say that the PASS  2008 summit was a success.  I got some good info about SQL Server, and met a lot of people that I either know from forums or who’s writings I’ve been reading for quite a while now.  Overall the sessions were very informative, and I know that I got something out of just about every session I attended.

Last night a group of MVPs got together for dinner with our MVP lead.  The dinner was a blast with about 30 people attending the dinner.  It was on Friday night so a lot of people had already gone home.  It was great to be able to sit and chat and relax with other people after the rush of PASS being over.

It was great to meet everyone, as well as say high again to people that I met at PASS 2007, SQL 2008 Launch and other conferences.

There were a couple of people that I didn’t have a chance to run across that I wish I did.  Hopefully next year.

See you at PASS 2009 back here in Seattle, Washington.



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