Today was another excellent day here at PASS 2008 in rainy Seattle, WA.

The keynote showed some interesting uses of SQL, SharePoint, and Performance Point querying a 1+ TB data SSAS database in a second or two.

Bob Ward gave his usual excellent presentation on debugging the memory of SQL Server. I was a bit late to the session, and I had to leave a little before he finished, but he did go way over the time allotted, with so much information to present it’s not much of a suprise.

Hugo Kornelis gave a very interesting presentation on Cursors or Set based processing. Hugo gave an excellent solution to Dennis Gobo’s prime number challenge from a while ago, along with the classic box packing problem.

I got some pictures to share from the SQL Server Hero’s party tonight (click to enlarge).

They were giving away some painted on Tattoos.

Won’t Tom’s wife be proud. He has informed us that the “tramp-stamp” made him feel more powerful.

Brent has some posted as well on his flicker page.

Tom Larock Getting a tramp stamp as PASS Another picture of the Tramp Stamp

I just had to post the images of Tom. I couldn’t help my self. (He was warned ahead of time.)



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