The sessions from the first day of PASS were great.

Read on for info about a couple of the sessions.

I sat in on an excellent session on the brand new auditing features of SQL Server 2008. It was most informative as to just how in depth the new auditing features are. (I’ll be posting more about the new auditing features later on).

I also sat in on an excellent session on SQL Server 2008’s Clustering by Max Verun. It was extremely informative on some of the new clustering features.

There was also an excellent SQL Service Broker Performance & Scalability Techniques by Michael Thomassy which went over how a South American bank and MySpace use SQL Service Broker.

I heard from a few people that I talked to that the SQL Server 2008 on SAN session was great, as was the XML session by Michael Rys.

I was supposed to go to the Quest Launch Party for the Wiki, but I got caught up talking to people at the Microsoft MVP party and didn’t realize just how late it had gotten. Sorry Guys, next time I promise.

Tomorrow I’m only planning on a couple of sessions as I’m scheduled to take a couple of MCP exams tomorrow, so that’s a chunk of the day right there.

I was able to grab a couple of pictures of the exhibit hall. The exhibit hall is much smaller than this year. It’s a sign of the times I guess.


I’m sure tomorrow will have some cool sessions in it. I’ve got to go and get some sleep now. Breakfast starts at 7:30 pacific.



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