Big Challenges in Data Modeling: Ethics & Data Modeling

From the “There’s a first time for everything” file, I can announce that I’m going to be joining an online panel discussion this Thursday (ie, tomorrow), April 24 at 2:00p EDT (11a Pacific). I know!


This discussion will be about Ethics and Data Modeling. It’s part of a monthly series put on by Dataversity covering Big Challenges in Data Modeling.

We’ll cover questions like what to do when asked to do something “wrong” (and maybe what the definition of “wrong” is in the first place) and if there are any items in particular that a data modeler/someone doing that task need to be especially aware of. Although these questions apply to anyone in the data field—or anyone in IT or business at all, for that matter—this conversation will be focusing on how they apply to data modeling specifically.


Participating will be Len Silverston, Denny Cherry, and Tamera Clark, with the whole apparatus MC’d/hosted by Karen Lopez (the one and only DataChick).

The broadcast is free, but you do have to register to get the sign-in information. That can be done at the webinar’s main announcement page (look for the round “Click to Register” graphic), along with reading full bios for all of us.

In addition to the Q&A and participant chat that will be going on during the discussion, you can follow the #BCDMOdeling hashtag on the tweeter. We’ll all be watching that as well.

Sign up, come out, ask some questions, and generally have a good time. Oh, and probably learn something, too. Can’t forget that.


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