SQL 2005 Internal Query Error 8623 still unfixed

While working on a new part of our production system  we begun getting the following error message back from the SQL Server.

Server: Msg 8623, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan. Contact your primary support provider for more information.

Now I’ve seen this error before, but it was supposed to have been fixed in Cumulative Update 3 for SQL Server 2005 SP 2 but apparently it hasn’t been.  I’m currently running build 3239 which is Cumulative Update 7.  (I’m running the x64 edition.)

The only difference between my query and what’s documented in the KB article is that I was doing a basic insert statement.

 (Table1Id, Table2Id)
 (@Table1Id, @Table2Id)

There are obviously no complex queries being run here.  However I did have relational integrity enabled through foreign keys.  I ended up having to remove the foreign key constraints from this table for the insert statement to work correctly.

Hopefully someone finds this info useful.

You can follow along with the Microsoft development teams progress on Microsoft Connect.  It’s feedback number 332815.



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