I am very excited to be heading to PASS Summit 2019 in Seattle next week. It’s one of my favorite weeks of the year. Getting to hang out with and learn from so many data professions is priceless. I am even more excited this year because I will be giving a Pre Con and a regular session for the first time at Summit. If you have ever attended one of my sessions, you know how passionate I am about speaking and being able to share my knowledge.

What is PASS Summit?

According to PASS it’s “Interactive training on the latest technologies and spotlights on hot topics such as security, cloud, and AI will be led by the best data minds in the industry”.

To me it’s a 5-day convention that bring geeks together to celebrate and learn from each other. It’s networking, learning, mind melds, fun, inspiration and renewal.

Join Me for My Sessions

SQL Server Performance Tuning and Optimization Pre Con

In Room 6B all day Tuesday, November 5th 8:30-4:30

Do your users complain about slow reports? Are your database servers overwhelmed during times of high usage? Every SQL Server environment can benefit from performance tuning whether your environment has one server or thousands. In this full-day session you will learn about how identify problems using a wide variety of tools and scripts and how to implement best practices across your environment. Additionally, you will learn how to begin reading execution plans and how to tune queries to improve your performance within SQL Server. You will walk away with a list of items to evaluate in your environments and ways to resolve common issues. This session will guide you through real-life performance problems which can be solved by best practices and practical skills. Taught on a level anyone can understand, this session will focus on Microsoft SQL Server 2016 and forward.

You will also learn about maintenance activities and how they affect your server’s overall performance, and how to identify when your infrastructure is affecting your performance. Lastly, we will cover the newest performance enhancements coming with the latest release, SQL Server 2019. You’ll leave this demo-filled session better prepared to tackle many issues that can plague SQL Server performance along with the knowledge of how to resolve them.

I’m It – Survival Techniques for the Lone DBA

In Room 6C Thursday, November 6th 10:45-12:00 (also being live streamed on PASS TV)

Are you the only database person at your company? Are you both the DBA and the developer? Being the only data professional in an environment can seem overwhelming, daunting, and darn near impossible sometimes. However, it can also be extremely rewarding and empowering. This session will cover how you can keep your sanity, get stuff done, and still love your job. We’ll cover how I have survived and thrived being a Lone DBA for 15 years and how you can too. When you finish this session, you’ll know what you can do to make your job easier, where to find help, and how to still be able to advance and enrich your career.

I am especially thrilled to be giving my Lone DBA session. This session is near and dear to my heart and always seems to have a big impact on those to attend it. I walk you through my 16 years as a lone dba, how I loved it, and was able to do so without being overwhelmed or stressed out. I go over things you can do to be more productive and not feel alone. I’ll help you realize that there is an army of DBAs out there every day ready and willing to help you for free and how to take advantage of that.

I am really looking forward to see everyone and sharing come knowledge. Hope to see you there!



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